Напишите что такое человеческий фактор. Приведите примеры.
(9-10 предложений на английском)
Human reliability has lots of meanings, but today it's mostly used in a negative way, not always, though. It's something that we differ from machines, like the abilities to feel, think outside the box, make our own decisions, do something illogical, etc. Because of it we can act both badly and well.For instance, if a soldier couldn't kill his enemy, it's because of HU. But if some people had been camping , hadn't put out the campfire and the forest burnt out , it also happened due to this. And thanks to this when we are sawing or just making something from wood, we tend to make inaccuracies, at least insignificant ones. Surely HU has some traps. For example, people tend to overestimate their ability to maintain control when they are doing work, feel stress, think they're better than the others and nobody can understand their feelings.Therefore, they don't think they need anyone's advice, which of course isn't true. In my view, we neither should idealize nor demonize it, we ought to get it just as it is.