Задание 2! Текст тоже на фото!!!!
Помогите, прошууууууууууу
Срочно! Нету времени вообще!!!!
У меня 29 минут!!! Спаситеееееееее
Иначе 7 за полугодие!!! Срочно

1 to manage to pass exams - to make it
I hope I'll make it and become a student.
2 to be good at some subjects - to be good enough to pass exams
I think I'm good enough to pass my exams.
3 to leave the place for another city - to go some place
Young people usually want to go some place after graduation.
4 to work not the whole day - to work part-time
My friend works part-time and studies.
5 determined to be successful - ambitious
Ambitious people become successful.
6 to want smb to hear you out - to need a friendly ear
We all sometimes need a friendly ear.
7 to look embarrassed - to look a bit confused
My sister looked a bit confused after the incident.
8 to become an adult - to grow up
Children grow up and leave their homes.
9 to understand and support smb - to hear smb out
Thank you for hearing me out.
10 to be the type of thing that you like - to be smb's cup of tea
Watching soap operas is not my cup of tea.