Даю 50 балів. Твір на тему "мій улюблений спорт (баскетбол)" англійською 10-12 речень
I love movement and sports. I like to swim, ride a bike, play football with friends, run ahead. But most of all I like to play basketball, I study in the school section. We have a strong and strong team.
Basketball is an exciting game. It takes place at a very high speed, requires full dedication. In basketball, it is interesting to be not only a player but also a fan
Basketball is a very dynamic and tough game. To be a valuable player for your team you need to train a lot, be hardy and agile. Basketball develops coordination of movements and accuracy, teaches to quickly navigate and make decisions. You need to constantly monitor the situation on the field to give an accurate pass, take the ball to another area, make a decisive throw.Playing basketball, you learn to be a member of the team, to work for the overall result. Here you begin to truly understand what team spirit and elbow feeling are. It is not enough to play well, you need to be responsible and reliable so as not to let down your team and coach.