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Похожие вопросы
Task 1
Read the text about starting to consider future
careers, and decide if the sentences are Right
(A) or Wrong (B). If there is not enough
information to choose Right or Wrong, choose
Doesn’t say (C).
1 Sally thinks choosing a school subject to carry on
studying can cause problems.
A) Right В) Wrong C) Doesn’t say
2 Very few of Sally’s friends have decided what
they want to do with their lives.
A) Right В) Wrong C) Doesn’t say
3 Sally’s parents both earn quite a lot of money.
A) Right В) Wrong C) Doesn’t say
4 Sally began to consider doing the same career as
her father at one point.
A) Right B) Wrong C) Doesn’t say
5 Sally’s good results at school have made her take
more interest in one subject there.
A) Right B) Wrong C) Doesn’t say
6 Sally is already thinking about which university to
study at.
A) Right В) Wrong C) Doesn’t say
7 Sally thinks that working as an artist might be
easier than what her parents do.
A) Right В) Wrong C) Doesn’t say
8 Sally would prefer to enjoy her job rather than get
a lot of money.
A) Right В) Wrong C) Doesn’t say
9 Her work experience included speaking to
customers in an artists’ studio.
A) Right В) Wrong C) Doesn’t say
10 Sally’s school is soon going to have a big horse
made of metal outside it.
A) Right В) Wrong C) Doesn’t say
Future thoughts by Sally Jansen
Have you thought about what you want to do in
your future career yet? It’s hard, especially if
you’re still at school and you don’t really feel
keen enough on anything you’ve studied there to
do it for the rest of your life! A number of my
friends feel like that, although quite a lot of
others have got very clear ideas about where
they’re going. One wants to be a teacher, for
example, and another wants to become a doctor.
However, I think some people have decided what
they want to do because of their parents’ careers.
As for my parents, my father is an engineer in
the car industry, and my mother runs her own
food business, supplying food for parties. Dad
works really long hours, and they’re both usually
really tired by the time they get home, so those
jobs have never seemed very attractive to me.
Recently, though, I’ve started doing more art at
school. I did well in my last art exam, and my
teacher’s said some really encouraging things
about my work. That’s all made me wonder
whether I could study it at university and then
earn money as an artist. But, just like my
parents’ jobs, I know that wouldn’t be easy,
either – there might be problems finding work
sometimes. And at least if you work for a
company, you get paid every month. But I’d
rather do something I really enjoy than earn a lot
of money.
Anyway, my whole class went off on work
experience a month ago, so I spent two weeks
helping out in an artists’ studio. It was great! I
did things like mixing paint, preparing paper and
even answering the phone when people rang
asking about buying an art work. The artists
working there were doing different things. One
was a painter, and another worked with metal,
making amazing life-sized shapes of horses and
tigers. They’re displayed in parks and town
centres – and our school is even going to have
one soon, so when it arrives it’ll be absolutely
amazing to think that I helped to make it!
© 2017 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 4
Task 2
Look at the three texts about fashion and
clothes, and then match the people, A, B or C,
to the questions.
Which person …
1. is sometimes bought the things
they want to wear? ____
2. has some clothes that were
bought while they were
travelling? ____
3. has never worn anything that
isn’t modern and fashionable? ____
4. thinks their interest in clothes
is unusual in their family? ____
5. doesn’t mind the clothes they
have to wear during the week? ____
6. creates clothes that other
people also want? ____
7. can be sure that no-one
else owns the same clothes
as them? ____
8. says their interest in clothes
started at a young age? ____
9. feels some of their clothes
too special to wear? ____
10. can use their skills to create
new clothes from old ones? ____
Fashion and clothes