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Why do many people go in for extreme sports? Why do they consciously endanger their lives? The desire for overcoming one’s fears moves us from childhood. Recall your feelings when you first time managed to ride a bicycle? Or when you climbed a high tree? Some people outgrow this desire to get a rush of adrenaline and begin to live measured life denying the thought of putting their lives into danger, other people continue searching for opportunities to experience strong emotions, and, at last, some individuals do extreme sports.
Nowadays, there is a great number of extreme sports. Some of them, like snowboarding and mountain bike, are included into the list of the Olympic Games disciplines. Let’s learn about the most dangerous kinds of extreme sports.
One of the most dangerous activities is presented by jumping from various high objects. As usual, these objects are not higher than 600 meters. It can be a house, a bridge or a rock. Jumpers use special parachutes for this kind of sport. Base jumping, as it is sometimes called, is much more dangerous than traditional parachute sport, where sportsmen jump from 4 thousand meters from a plane. You have less time to concentrate and make necessary movements.
Vulcanoboarding is a very extraordinary extreme sport. It is similar to snowboarding with one difference: there is hardened lava instead of snow under your legs. Sportsmen feel the warmth from the surface of the slope. A special thrill is given by the awareness that it is an active volcano, ready to erupt every second. Vulcanoboarding is a really exotic sport for lovers of bright emotions.
Those who prefer rivers to seas will probably adore kayaking. Kayak is a small boat with closed top, where you are to use paddles to maneuver among rocks and other obstacles in the fast water stream. Times on times sportsmen face with waterfalls and experience free falls. This breathtaking sport trains your endurance and strength. Usually kayakers have long lasted trips where they have several overnights in tents in wild nature.