Предмет: Английский язык, автор: hello3546

Очень срочно, помогите ахпзах



Автор ответа: krengdroid

1. swollen

2. bruise

3. burned

4. sneezing

5. rash

6. dizzy

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Предмет: Русский язык, автор: ilukvladimir09
поставь буквы «Что за прелесть эти ска..ки! Каждая есть поэма»

Ру..кая кла..ическая литература это бесценная кладовая нац..ональной культуры. В ней трудом писателей скоплено много сокровищ(?). И может быть, среди книг самые уд..вительные ска..ки. Они (не) знают над собой власти времени и каждое новое поколение людей приемлет их с бл..годарностью тем кто их сочинил.
Оч..рование сказочно..о вымысла во всей силе впервые ощутил Александр Сергеевич Пушкин. Из Михайловского он писал брату Что за прелесть эти ска..ки! Каждая есть поэма. Собственные ска..ки поэта уд..ржали в себе главное — прелесть и свободу сказочно..о чуда.
Имя Пушкина черты его лица входят в наше сознание в самом раннем детстве а впервые услышанные стихи или ска..ки мы пр..носим с собою через всю ж..знь. Он жил в эпоху ра..цвета ус..ной ска..ки общался со многими сказоч(?)никами вид..л творческую манеру различных исп..лнителей поэтому ска..ка стала одним из интереснейших направлений в его творчестве. Пушкинские сказки прямые наследницы сказок народных, но не подражание им. Пушкин писал не просто ска..ки а ска..ки в стихах.
Они (не)предназначались для детей но сразу вошли в детское чтение. Пушкинская ска..ка летит "через леса, через моря", "в облаках перед народом", с высоты ей открывают(?)ся и синее море, возле которого рыбак ра..стилает сети, и темная ч..ща, где играют медвежата.
В сложных нравственных ситуац..ях, случающихся не только в жизни сказочных г..роев, но и в реальной действительности, мы находим себя, своих родных и близких. Поэтому спустя годы ска..ки Пушкина актуальны и притягательны и для взрослых и для детей.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: maksgopka895
Read the text and find the correct words for the given definitions:


Up to the age of 16 schooling is compulsory for all children in the UK. British children start learning at the age of 5 but there are some free nursery schools where children start learning before that age. Children must stay at school from the age of 5 until they are 16. Many of them take final examination at the age of 18. There are different types of state secondary schools in the UK: grammar schools, technical schools, comprehensive schools, public schools, boarding schools. Primary schools are usually divided into infant schools for children aged five to
seven and junior schools for children aged 7 to 11. When children are 11 years old they go to secondary schools and take General Certificate of Secondary Education exams (GCSE) at the age of 16. They are the
official exams after which pupils can leave school. But if they want to stay on they study for another two years and take Advanced Level (A-Levels) exams at the age of 18. They either stay at school or go to a sixth-form college for students aged between 16 and 18 or a technical college where students can learn the practical skills they need to do a job, for example, in computing, metalwork or building and then they can
try to get into university. Grammar schools are for children aged between 11 and 18 who have to pass an entrance examination to be allowed to go there. These schools are very popular because they offer a good academic education. Public private schools for children aged between 13 and 18 whose parents pay for their education are very expensive. These schools usually have good academic standards and are attended by children from the upper class. The most famous ones
are Eton College for boys, St.James’ school for girls and Harrow. Most public schools are boarding schools at which pupils live as well as study. British schools besides ordinary classes offer a lot of after-school clubs and different trips. After-school clubs include art and craft clubs, sports and religious clubs and many others. After getting secondary education pupils can enter higher educational establishments or colleges. There are over 160 universities in Great Britain. They are
divided into three types: the old universities, such as Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, the universities of the 19th century, such as London and Manchester universities, and the new universities.
Full courses of study offer the degree of Bachelor of Art or Science. Most degree courses at universities last three years. Language courses last four years, medicine and dentistry courses five to seven years.
Students may receive grants from the Local Education Authority to help pay for books, transport, food and accommodation. This grant depends on the income of their parents. University life is considered “an experience”. Exams are competitive, social life is excellent with a lot of clubs, parties, concerts, bars, and living away from home is also an important experience.

a) something that must be done;
b) school for boys and girls together;
c) a group of people working together in school;
d) school at which fees are paid for learning;
e) a person who lives in a boarding school receiving lodging as well as lessons;
f) one of the periods into which the academic year is divided;
g) a period of rest from school;
h) a course of study in school.