Предмет: Українська мова, автор: bahnevaviktoria

срочно!!! 3 загдки с дієприкметниками​


Автор ответа: annachorn42


Розстелений кожушок, на нім посіяний горошок. (Небо і зорі).

Сидить баба, у сто шуб одягнена. Хто її роздягає, той сльози проливає. (Цибуля)

Сидить баба серед літа,  В сто сорочок одіта. (капуста)

Сидить баба на грядках, вся закутана в хустках.  (капуста)

Повна діжка жита п’ятачком накрита. (Мак)

Фарбоване коромисло через річку зависло. (Веселка)


bahnevaviktoria: спасибо
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: sivaevao
Нижче - два маленьких текста для читання. До кожного з них - окреме завдання.
До першого треба написати "True / False", до другого - обрати правильний варіант - "цифра - буква".
Відповіді можна писати прямо у коментарі до свого завдання.

Reading Comprehension Test
Directions 1: Read the texts. Look at the statements below the texts, decide, which of them are true (T) and which are false (F) according to the text you have read.
Text 1. A Dishonest Man
Once upon a time there was a man who had often travelled to foreign lands, and on returning to his own country boasted very much of the many wonderful and heroic acts he had performed in different places he had visited.
Among other things, he said that when he was at Rhodes he had leaped to such a distance that no man of his day could leap anywhere near him as to that, there were many people in Rhodes who saw how he did it and whom he could call as witnesses.
However, one of the people who were standing by, interrupted him saying: «Now, my good man, if this all be true there is no need of witnesses. Suppose this to be Rhodes, and leap for us». The man felt ashamed and confused as he certainly couldn’t do that.
And the people around said: «He who does a thing well does not need to boast».
Task 1. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1. The text tells about a brave and heroic person.
2. The man in the story boasted about the number of places he had visited.
3. According to the man’s words, all the people can leap well in Rhodes.
4. One of the people who were standing by, asked him to repeat his leap.
5. The man claimed there were some witnesses of his leap.
6. The man was embarrassed.

Directions 2: Read the text. Look at the sentences below the texts, choose the best answer from possible answers.
Text 2. The Judge Nasreddin
One day, a poor man, who had only one piece of bread to eat, was walking past a restaurant. There was a large pot of soup on the table. The poor man held his bread over the soup, so the steam from the soup went into the bread and gave it a good smell. Then he ate the bread. The restaurant owner was very angry at this and he asked the man for money, in exchange for the steam from the soup. The poor man had no money, so the restaurant owner took him to Nasreddin, who was a judge at that time. Nasreddin thought about the case for a little while.
Then he took some money from his pocket. He held the coins next to the restaurant owner’s ear and shook them, so that they made a jingling noise .
«What was that?» asked the restaurant owner.
«That was payment for you», answered Nasreddin. «What do you mean? That was just the sound of coins!» protested the restaurant owner.
«The sound of the coins is payment for the smell of the soup», answered Nasreddin. «Now go back to your restaurant».

Task 2. For sentences (1—6) choose and circle the correct answer (a, b, c or d).
1. Who are the characters in the story?
a) Nasreddin, the poor boy and the restaurant owner.
b) Nasreddin, the poor man and the butcher.
c) Nasreddin, the poor man and the restaurant owner.
d) Nasreddin, the poor woman and the restaurant owner.
2. The restaurant owner was … .
a) very angry and greedy b) very angry and funny
c) very angry and generous d) very angry and kind­hearted
3. The restaurant owner asked the man ...
a) to eat some bread b) to pay c) to borrow him money d) to eat some soup
4. Nasreddin thought about the case for ...
a) a long time b) the whole day c) for several hours d) a short time
5. The … said to the restaurant owner, «Now go back to your restaurant».
a) poor man b) judge c) the owner of the restaurant d) Nasreddin’s friend
6. The restaurant owner felt … in the end.
a) satisfied b) happy c) glad d) disappointed
Предмет: Математика, автор: Янпручаев