Предмет: Русский язык, автор: gaifullinsamat

Замените приведенные ниже словосочетания антонимическими :войти в автобус, поехать на Урал ,подниматься по лестнице ,опустить на землю , зайти на почту ,уйти в школу ,сесть на сани ,повесить на стену ,поехать в Крым ,идти впереди всех.


Автор ответа: neznakomaya95

Войти автобус-выйти из автобуса

поехать на Урал - приехать с Урала

подниматься по лестнице-спускаться по лестниц

опустить на землю-подняться с земли

зайти на почту-выйти из почты

уйти в школу- прийти из школы

сесть на сани-с слезть саней

повесить на стену-снять со стены

поехать в Крым-приехать из Крыма

идти впереди всех-идти позади всех

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: sanyokok4
Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). ROBIN HOOD The story of Robin Hood, the most popular English folk hero of all times, has reached every corner of the Earth. There are many versions of this well-known tale which is about 600 years old. Everybody knows Robin's friends (Little John, Brother Tuck, Will Scarlet) and the famous Sherwood Forest - Robin Hood's home and the place where many of his adventures took place. In other countries there are similar stories such as William Tell in Switzerland, El Cid in Spain or Janosik in Poland, but only Robin Hood has become an 'international' hero. Unfortunately, there is almost no evidence that Robin Hood really existed. Thirteenth-century ballads, fourteenth-century chronicles, a sixteenth-century History of Great Britain, all talk about Robin Hood. However, none of them tells us about the sources they used. In the 1800s and 1900s, historians found two Robin Hoods who lived in the fourteenth century. One of them was even a King Edward IPs servant. Later on, other historians found several different Hoods living in different parts of England -Robin was a popular Christian name and Hood was a fairly common surname. It seems that by 1337, the story of Robin Hood was well-established. Most probably, he lived around the year 1200. Today, the legend of Robin Hood has turned Nottinghamshire into a large tourist attraction. In the centre of Nottingham there is Nottingham Castle. Parts of it still recall the time of Robin Hood. Sherwood Forest has an excellent visitors' centre with an attractive display and shop, and some very pleasant walks in the nearby forest. Edwinstowe church, in which, according to the tradition, Robin Hood and Lady Marion were married, is one of the visitors' favorite sites. ​1. The story of Robin Hood has been known for 600 years. ​2. William Tell, El Cid and Janacek are international heroes. ​3. A sixteenth-century History of Great Britain includes a story about Robin Hood. ​ 4. Robin Hood was a King Edward IPs knight. ​5. It is probable that Robin Hood lived in the twelfth century. ​6. There is a castle in the middle of Sherwood Forest. ​7. In the visitors' centre you can't watch a video about Robin's adventures.​
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: FFPLS