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Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in the boxes. They are all regular verbs.
Sir Isaac Newton: scientist and mathematician
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Isaac Newton was born on December 25, 1642 in Woolsthorpe, near Grantham in Lincolnshire, England. He was born in the same year that Galileo a died. Newton is probably the most important scientist in history. His work on mathematics and physics b provided a basis for modern science, and his ideas c changed the world.
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Newton d published his work in two books, Opticks and Principia. These contain his laws of motion and gravity. He e used these laws to predict the movements of the stars, and the planets around the Sun. He also f designed and built the world's first reflecting telescope.
produce live study move
Newton g studied at Trinity College, Cambridge, from 1661 to 1696. In this period, he h produced most of his important work. Then, in 1696, he i moved to London, where he j lived until his death on March 20, 1727.