Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ApexCons2005

Пожалуйста помогите
надо написать про свою будущую работу( любую хоть дворник)
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, David.
…The other day I had an interesting experience. We presented a school project “My Future Profession”. Guess what! I’ve got a promotion at my part-time job…
Have you chosen your future profession? What are you going to be? What personalities do you need and what will your job look like?..
Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.
Write 100 – 120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


Автор ответа: elvirasayapina45


After graduating from school, everyone should make an important choice - the choice of their future profession. My future profession, first of all, should be pleasant to me. Everyone in childhood dreamed of becoming an astronaut, a doctor, a policeman, and a military man. But not everyone dreams come true, maybe because of health or because of laziness ...

Choosing a profession is very important. After all, this is not only work, but also your future life, and it should bring not only money and fame, but also pleasure.

I want to be an architect. Why did I choose this particular profession? Because since childhood I love to draw, and when I got older, I was fascinated by physics, algebra and geometry. In my opinion, this is a very interesting profession.

The work of an architect combines creativity and rationality. A do-it-yourself architect can affect the appearance of a city, street, courtyard ... What could be better than giving joy to people ?!

Imagine: you just settled in a new, recently built, and most importantly - a beautiful house, which architects worked on. But to become an architect, I have to study at the institute for several years, spoil a lot of paper for drawings, plans ...

If for some reason I cannot become an architect, then there are many other interesting and equally important professions, for example, the same ones: an astronaut, a doctor, a policeman ...



elvirasayapina45: могу сделать перевод
ApexCons2005: Спасибо, все хорошо
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в) 90г розчину з масовою часткою 5 % ;
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