Вы собираетесь принимать участие в
международной программе по обмену
учащимися. Сообщите информацию о
какими чертами характера Вы
как Вы ладите с другими людьми?
каковы Ваши сильные и слабые
Я не хорош в таких видах сочинений, так что держите это у себя в голове, когда будете читать.
I wanted to join the international student transferring (или как там это у вас называется) because I think that I have all the important qualities for being
a member of this program . Firstly I'm really helping kind of person. I enjoy solving other people's problems, mostly because I think that if the world would have people who help each other no matter what we would've lived in a better place, and secondly because I consider myself a helping person I can get new friends and meets easily.
However, like in any other person I have downsides. My main weakness is that I'm very lazy, in fact I don't really consider myself lazy but my teachers and friends think otherwise. I really hope that your program will make me more responsible and less loafing.