Написать на английском про известного Коломенца 120 - 170 слов
Ответ:Bishop Aaron (Alexei Zakharovich Narcissov in the world; 1781, Kolomna, Moscow province - January 27, 1842, Moscow) - bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, bishop of Arkhangelsk and Kholmogorsky.
Born in 1781 in Kolomna in the family of a city priest.
He received his primary education at the Kolomna Theological College.
In 1807 he graduated from the Moscow Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy and was appointed a teacher of the German language [1], a catechist and (upon the adoption of monasticism [1]) a preacher in it. He knew ancient and new languages and translated from English and German. The translations were approved by Plato (Levshin) [2] and Filaret (Drozdov).
The Academy’s report to the Holy Synod for 1807 on his activities says the following: “The catechism and Sunday gospels were publicly interpreted throughout the year on German days by the teacher Narcissov, who wrote a systematic course of this catechetical teaching with an interpretation of the interpretation of the Sunday gospels a whole year later. presenting this lesson to the Moscow Academic Board.
169 слов