Предмет: Английский язык, автор: anagajkova55

1. What is the official name of Great Britain?
2. Where is the United Kingdom situated?
3. Is it a large country?
4. What kind of scenery can you see on the territory
of Great Britain?
5. What can you say about mountains, rivers and
lakes in Great Britain?
6. Is population density high in Great Britain?
7. What influences the climate of Great Britain?
8. Is Britain a parliamentary democracy?
9. Who rules the country?
10. Who is appointed the Prime Minister in Great
11. What is the British Parliament?​

anagajkova55: ответить на вопросы


Автор ответа: belkoveroslav


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anagajkova55: да ответить на вопросы
Автор ответа: HOMEP1
1. The official name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom.

2. The United Kingdom is located off the northwestern coast of mainland Europe.

3. The UK isn’t a very large country.

4. You can see all types of scenery on the territory of Great Britain. You can see anything from open fields to beautiful mountains. You can also see different types of landmarks, for example, Stonehenge.

5. The mountains and hills of England comprise very different kinds of terrain, from a mountain range which reaches almost 1,000 metres (3,300 feet) high, to several smaller areas of lower mountains, foothills and sea cliffs. The most famous English river is the Thames. It is 215 miles long. The Severn, the longest river in the United Kingdom, is 240 miles long. Lakes can be found in the north of England (Lake District), in Scotland and in Ulster.

6. With 426 people per km², according to 2016 figures, England is certainly densely populated when compared to many other European countries.

7. The climate in Great Britain is generally mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. The south-western winds carry the warmth and moisture into Britain.

8. Britain is a constitutional monarchy (with Queen Elizabeth II as head of state) and a parliamentary democracy (with parliament as the legislative organ).

9. Queen Elizabeth the Second (II) rules the country of Great Britain.

10. Boris Johnson is appointed the Prime Minister in Great Britain.

11. The British Parliament is the supreme legislative body of the United Kingdom, the Crown dependencies and the British Overseas Territories.
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