Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Ekaterina24666

1 With whom you (to discuss) this question yesterday? 2. I (to see) this film this week. I like it very much 3. When I
(to enter) the kitchen, I (to see) that my mother (to stand) at the table and (to cut) some cabbage. She (to cook) dinner.
4. As soon as I (to hear) a cry, I (to run) out of the room and (to sce) that a child (to lic) on the ground and (to cry).
"What (to happen)? Why you (to cry)? You (to hurt) yourself?" I asked. 5. They (to go) to the Hermitage last week. 6.
They (to be) to the Hermitage twice this week. 7. After school yesterday he (to come) home, (to have) dinner, (to read)
an article from the latest magazine and (to begin) doing his homework. 8. When your friend (to re.urn) from the south?
- She (to return) yesterday. - You (to go) to the station to meet her? - No, II (to be) too busy. 9 Your brother (to
return) from the north? - Yes, he (to come) a few days ago 10. You (to be) to the Crimea? When you (to be) there?
I (to be) there in 1993. очень срочно!!!! ​


Автор ответа: sergfiliushin


1 With whom did you  discuss this question yesterday? 2. I to see this film this week. I like it very much 3. When I

enter the kitchen, I to see that my mother is standing at the table and  cuting some cabbage. She is  cooking dinner.


Автор ответа: VeronikaKlubnikaNika


1 With whom (did) you (discuss) this question yesterday? 2. I (have seen) this film this week. I like it very much 3. When I ( entered) the kitchen, I (saw) that my mother (was standing) at the table and (was cutting) some cabbage. She (was cooking) dinner. 4. As soon as I ( heard) a cry, I (ran) out of the room and (saw) that a child (was lying) on the ground and (was crying).  "What (has happened)? Why (are) you (crying)? (Did) You (hurt) yourself?" I asked. 5. They (went) to the Hermitage last week. 6. They (have been) to the Hermitage twice this week. 7. After school yesterday he (came) home, ( had) dinner, (read) an article from the latest magazine and ( began) doing his homework. 8. When (did) your friend (return) from the south? - She ( returned) yesterday. - Did You ( go) to the station to meet her? - No, I (was) too busy. 9 Has Your brother (

returned) from the north? - Yes, he (came) a few days ago 10. (Have) You (been) to the Crimea? When (were) you  there? I (was ) there in 1993.


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