Предмет: Литература, автор: ArsenYankevych12

Будьласка напишіть 10 питань за твором
" За сестрою"​


Автор ответа: Zlatochkaaaa


1.Як звали головного героя повісті?

2.Який жанр повісті "За сестрою"?

3.Як називали татари на Хазара?

4.Скільки років було Павлусеві?

5.Ким виявився Петро?

6.З кого складалася сім*я Павлуся?

7.Як звали сестру Павлуся?

8.Хто був сином Девлет-Гірея?

9.КУди відвіз купець Павлуся?

10.Чим Непорадний захопив Мустафу?


Uorik: Дай йому кращу відповідь щоб получити половину балів
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ghekagame4
- Hi, Peter. Have you already planned your summer holidays?
- Yes, I have, Nick. I'm going to London. It's great! But I remember you wanted to visit Paris.
- Well, I wanted to go to Paris at first, but my pen friend Henry from the UK invited me to spend a week with him.
- Have you decided yet what means of transport you are going to travel by, Peter?
- I wanted to travel by bus because it is the cheapest way of travelling but this trip will take a lot of time. So my parents advised me to go to London by plane. You know it is the fastest means of transport. I have already booked the ticket.
- What sights are you going to see in London, Peter?
- I hope to see Westminster Abbey and have a ride on the London Eye. But most of all I want to visit Buckingham Palace because this is the Queen's home in London.
- Would you like to visit any museums? There are a lot of them in London.
- To tell the truth I'm not fond of visiting museums. I haven't decided yet.
- When are you leaving, Peter?
- In two weeks, on the 14th of June.
- Will you bring me a souvenir from London?
- Of course, I will.
- Have a nice trip, Peter!
- Thanks, Nick.

I. Put “+” or “-”
1. Peter wanted to visit Paris at first.
2. Peter`s friend is from the UK.
3. Travelling by train is the cheapest way.
4. Most of all Peter wants to see Big Ben.
5. Buckingham Palace is the Queen's home in London.
6. Peter is fond of visiting museums.
II. Choose the correct answer.
1. Peter has already planned to visit ...
a) New York b) London c) Paris
2. Who invited him to spend a week?
a) parents b) a pen friend c) a brother
3. What is the cheapest transport of travelling?
a) bus b) car c) train
4. His parents advised him to go to London by …
a) bus b) plane c) ship
5. Peter has already booked …
a) a ticket b) a hotel c) room
6. In London Peter wants to visit …
a) Tower of London b) Big Ben c) Buckingham Palace
7. Peter doesn`t like to visit ...
a) museums b) shops c) theatres
8. He is leaving ...
a) in two days b) in weekends c) in two weeks
9. What will Peter bring Nick from London?
a) a souvenir b) photos c) a present
III. Answer the question.
What does Peter hope to visit in London?

Предмет: Информатика, автор: polovaana5