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Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: monsterhamyutub
Exercise 1. Translate into English. (Переклади на англійську мову).

1. столиця України

2. довге кучеряве волосся

3. овочевий магазин

4. кава без цукру

5. улюблений предмет

6. подорожувати літаком

7. велоспорт

Exercise 2. Choose the correct variant. (Вибери правильний варіант).

1. My grandparents …in the village.

a) lives; b) live; c)are living ;

2. … you ever been to Kyiv?

a) Did b) Have c) Will d) Are

3. We …a lot of fruit yesterday.

a) buy b) didn’t bought c) bought

4. He can buy plums and cucumbers at the ...

a) grocer’s b)greengrocer’s c) baker’s

5. Tom is .... than Bob .

a) the youngest b)young c) younger

6. Milana played … with classmates yesterday.

a) tennis b) judo c) swimming

Exercise 3. Find one mistake in each sentence. (Знайди помилку в кожному реченні. Не забудь підкреслити виправлене слово).

1.She live in the village.

2.He are watching TV now.

3. How many sugar do you put in your tea?

4.Have he ever been to England?

Exercise 4. Find the odd word. (Знайди зайве слово та випиши його).

1. aunt, son, nephew, brother, father

2. toy store, market, grocer’s, toys

3. sausage, meat, apricot, cheese, butter

4.tennis, boxing, judo, ball, karate

5.Maths, IT, History, UK, Geography

Exercise 5. Make negative and interrogative sentences. (Утвори заперечні та питальні речення).

1. Sam worked in the garden last week.

2. She goes to hospital every month.

3. My friends are playing in the park.