Английский язык. 10 11 класс помогите
20. Mary is . She is always able to think of new ideas. C) imaginative
21. We decided to and go for a walk. A) take a break
Догадайтесь о значении слова по его определению.
22. A long room where paintings or photos are shown to the public.
C) art gallery
23. A type of clothes to protect yourself from the rain. B) raincoat
24. A show performed by people and trained animals, often in a large tent.
A) circus
Подберите наиболее близкое по значению слово к выделенному в предложении.
25. Many modern business centres were built in the city. C) constructed
Укажите лишнее слово.
26. We make borsch with such vegetables as
A) beetroot B) carrots C) cabbage D) meat
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами.
27. There is a big house the centre of the town. A) in
28. Silvia took a key her bag and opened the door. D) out of
Раскройте скобки, употребляя соответствующую форму глагола
29. We (do not go) to the cinema every day.
30. Mary (went) to work yesterday.