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Silver is a chemical element with atomic number 47 in the periodic system Mendeleev. The chemical formula of silver is Ag.
Silver was known as far back as the 4th millennium BC. This precious metal, like gold, is found in nature in the form of nuggets. Therefore, mankind met him without the help of scientists. In ancient Egypt, silver was called "white gold." It was harder to mine than gold. Therefore, in those days it was worth more than gold.
It is believed that silver received its Latin name argentum from the Greek argos - white, sparkling.
In nature, silver is found both in the form of nuggets, and in the form of rare minerals that are found in polymetallic ores - sulfides of copper, lead, zinc. Silver nuggets are quite heavy. It is known that the largest nugget weighed 13.5 tons.
Silver is a metal, and has all the properties of metals. But the chemical activity of silver is small. In a series of metal stresses, also called the electrochemical series of metal activity, silver is almost at the end.
Silver superbly conducts electric current and heat. In addition, it is able to withstand a tremendous load. Various contacts are made from it in devices used on comic missiles, nuclear installations, submarines, computer technology, etc.
The excellent reflectivity of silver allows it to be used in the manufacture of mirrors, telescopes, microscopes, and various optical instruments.
Silver is widely used in jewelry. Rings, brooches, dinner sets still adorn the life of a person. Coins are minted from silver.