Помогите пожалуйста.
Итак, поехали. Упражнение под номером 1:
1. doesn't
2. doesn't
3. don't
4. doesn't
5. don't
6. doesn't
7. doesn't
8. don't
!!! He, she, it ----- does
в отрицательных предложениях doesn't. Does not = doesn't
Упражнение под номером 2.
1. Does John play football in the morning?
No, he doesn't. He plays football in the afternoon.
2. Does Julia teach Maths in the afternoon?
Yes, she does. She teachs Maths in the afternoon.
3. Do Harry and Emma go out with friends in the afternoon?
Yes, they do. They play tennis in the afternoon.
4. Does John go to school in the evening?
No, he doesn't. He watches TV in the evening.
5. Does Julia paint pictures in the evening?
Yes, she does. She paints pictures in the evening.
6 . Do Harry and Emma help sick animals in the evening?
No, they don't. They go out with friends in the evening.
В вопросах вспомогательный глагол do, does выносится на первое место. А в утвердительных предложениях к глаголу добавляется S (если это относится к ОН, ОНА, ОНО / HE, SHE, IT. Hапример: goes, plays, watches и так далее... Does Julia paint pictures in the evening? Yes, she does. She paints pictures in the evening.