Предмет: Английский язык, автор: jgreitan00

Помогите пожалуйста придумать текст на английском языке на тему «Для чего нужен английский язык?» на уровне 6 класса только не большой на 12-15 предложений

jgreitan00: Даю за это 15 баллов!


Автор ответа: sicerblood

Відповідь:It is very important to know English language in modern world. Most people in the world speak English. It is easier to travel around the world, because you can hear or see English language all over the world. If you know English you can get a good job, also people who knows English get higher salary, then other people. You can watch your favorite films in original voice acting.

Often film distributors changes the names of films, trying to make them bright and catchy, as a result authors intention is completely lost. If they changes names so indifferent, imagine what happens to the original story and dialogs. So many good jokes lose their meaning because of translation. The same things happens with books. Almost all international conferences, sport competitions, popular shows are conducted in English. There are so many computer programs and games in English. Another reason is ability to listen and understand what the singer wants to say you.

It is very important to learn English language because of this reasons.

Пояснення:Modern world - сучасний світ, most people - більшість людей, easier - легше, higher salary - вища зарплатня, original voice acting - оригінальна озвучка, film distributors - кінопрокатчики, bright and catchy - яскравий і захоплюючий, result - результат,

authors intention is completely lost - авторська задумка повністю втрачена, indifferent - байдужий, conducted in English - ведуться Англійською, ability - можливість.

jgreitan00: Спасибі, текст тільки великий, хоч і на 12 прдложеній)
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