Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Аноним

Синтаксический разбор
Папа вышел на пробежку, и мы встретились

Пожалуйста все четко и ясно чтобы было


Автор ответа: LunaCat13

Ответ: повествовательное невосклецательное., сложное, двухсоставное, распростронённое, неосложнено.

Объяснение: возникнут вопросы- обращайтесь

Автор ответа: sashasanya1975

кто? папа (подлежащее выражено существительным ) папа что сделал? вышел (сказуемое выражено глаголом) на( предлог )

пробежку ( дополнение ) мы(подлежащее выражено существительным) встретились (сказуемое выражено глаголом)


LunaCat13: Ещё можно было добавить то что я написала и получилось бы идиально( не в чём не обвиняю !!!)=>>>
LunaCat13: =>
sashasanya1975: упс, забыла)
LunaCat13: Ну мы забыли одну вещь- схему
LunaCat13: хех
sashasanya1975: хех
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: danielday
Read the text.
The story of Victor Frankenstein

I was born in Switzerland, in the city of Geneva where my family had been important for many years. My father married his best friend's daughter. It was a most happy marriage and my parents shared their love with me.
My mother hoped to have a daughter, but for five years I was their only child. Then my parents took me on holidays to Italy, and we spent a week on shores of Lake Como.
One day we were out for a walk in the countryside and my mother saw a very small house and a number of thin poorly clothed children playing in front of it. We could see that the family had very little money, and that the children were hungry. My mother went and spoke to the farmworker and his wife who lived in the house. Four of the children had the dark hair and eyes of their parents. The fifth was a little girl, and she was very fair, with hair of gold and blue eyes.
The woman told my mother that this little girl was the daughter of an Italian nobleman who had given them the child to look after when his wife died. The nobleman paid them well but soon he died and left nothing to the little girl. However, the kind farmworker and his wife had brought her up, though there was hardly enough for their own children.
So, my parents adopted the little girl.

Task 1. Complete the statements reading the text.
1. My parents____________________________
2. One day______________________________
3. The farmworker's children________________
4. The woman____________________________

Task 2. Answer the following questions.
1. Where was Victor born?
2. How many other children were in Victor's family?
3. Who was a little girl whom Victor and his mother met in Italy?
4. Was the girl adopted by Victor's family?