Предмет: Литература, автор: Леопардица555

В школе Лермонтов быстро усваивал необходимые знания, овладел латинским языком. Его учитель видел таланты подростка, который хорошо учился, вел себя благородно, и умело направлял его интересы, рекомендуя лучшие создания европейской художественной литературы – Шекспира, Гете, Шиллера, из русских поэтов – Державина, Крылова, Жуковского, Пушкина, которых считал образцами «народной поэзии». Назовите имя выдающегося преподавателя Лермонтова, привившего поэту любовь к языкам и литературе.
ПРОШУУ ответьте!


Автор ответа: Пеппер


Алексей Зиновьевич Зиновьев был тем учителем, который на протяжении многих лет умело направлял интересы Михаила Лермонтова, прививал ему любовь к языкам и литературе. Было бы неправильно не упомянуть и об учителе словесности Алексее Федоровиче Мерзлякове, который давал Михаилу частные уроки, а также читал лекции в пансионе.


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Read the story .
Debbie was a kind and intelligent girl, but she couldn’t made friends easily. There was no one in her class she could have a talk with. Debbie was shy. Too shy. And because she was the brightest pupil in the class and worked hard, most of the other kids didn’t think of her well. She made an impression of too proud and even selfish girl. “You should be nicer to them”, her mother said. But it wasn’t easy for Debbie. Lots of kids in her class decided that they could make fun of her. This situation made Debbie unhappy. She felt herself very lonely. One Monday Debbie’s class teacher chose Debbie to act a main role in a play. Debbie tried to refuse first, but her teacher insisted.
It was the first rehearsal and Debbie was afraid of everyone laughing at her.
When Debbie said her first lines, everyone started laughing . Debbies eyes filled with tears.
But wait, they weren’t laughing at her because she couldn’t act - they were laughing because she made them laugh. She could act very well. After the rehearsal some of her classmates came up to her. “You were really good, Debbie. Well done!” “Thanks”, she replied and smiled. And they smiled back. Day by day her classmates began to respect her and talk to her, and Debbie slowly began to be a sociable person. It was a start.
Translate into Ukrainian.
Put the necessary words into the gaps.
1. Debbie was a kind and --------------- girl.
2. ------------ was too shy.
3. Most of her ------------ didn’t think of her well.
4. One Monday Debbie acted ------------- in a play.
5. She made -------------- laugh because she acted well.
6. Day by day her classmates began to respect her-----------------.
7. Debbie slowly-------------- to be a sociable person.
a) classmates, b) began , c) them, d) a main role , e) intelligent , f) and talk to her, g) Debbie.