6 (придумайте хоть что) пожалуйста, ооочень срочно

I would like to tell you about my uncle Tom.
He is 24 years old and he works at a software company. He is very smart.
He lives in San Francisco, he says he likes the weather there.
Tom is incredibly good looking, he has blond hair and green eyes. He is kind and very funny.
He quit smoking two years ago, and doesn’t like when people smoke around him.
He likes his job, enjoys surfing and meeting new people.
He doesn’t like when people scratch their noses in public, which is funny, because he does it all the time.
2: 15
3: I'm in high school (я учусь в старшей школе)
4:life is an unpredictable series of events in which you are the main character(жизнь-это непредсказуемая череда событий, в которой вы являетесь главным героем)
в пятом вопросе что-то про физический облик (я не поняла)
6:I think that the personality of every human personality(Я думаю, что личность каждого человека индивидуальна)