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Dear Matt,
I hope you’re well. In your last email you asked me about a traditional dish in my country. There are a lot of traditional dishes in Russia, but my favourite one is Russian salad. It’s not exactly Russian traditional dish. It dates back to the 19th century. This famous salad was invented by Lucien Olivier who was a French cook. Those times people cook Russian salad with hazel-hens and serpent grass. But nowadays we cook it in a different way.
To cook Russian salad you need 3 or 4 potatoes, some medium carrots, 5 or 6 eggs, a jar of pickled cucumbers, a tin of peas, an onion some meat or boiled sausage and mayonnaise. First of all, you need to boil potatoes, carrots and eggs and peel them. Then you need to chop all the ingredients. After that, you need mix the ingredients and add some mayonnaise. At the end of the cooking you may add a pinch of salt and pepper to your liking.
People usually eat Russian salad at New Year’s Eve. My mum likes cooking this salad for my birthday party.
What is your favourite traditional dish? How do you cook it?
Have to go now. I’ve got a test next week.
Write back soon,
Best wishes,
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