Загрязнение окружающей среды, решение этому ( на английском языке )
Pollution of water resources
Atmospheric pollution has adversely affected lakes, rivers and reservoirs. Harmful substances from the atmosphere fall on the earth's surface. Also, heavy industry enterprises discharge sewage into the rivers. These drains go to water bodies. Groundwater, as the most important source of fresh water, also fall into disrepair.
Air pollution
Almost 10% of all pollutants fall directly into the atmosphere, volcanic eruptions that emit ash into the atmosphere, various acids, including sulfuric, and a huge amount of poisonous gases. The remaining 90% of hazardous pollutants are of anthropogenic origin. Such as: combustion of fuel in power plants, in automobile engines, as well as storage of hazardous solid waste.Problems of garbage and household waste
Human activity is closely linked to the emergence of food and industrial waste. Some waste must be properly treated, otherwise it will cause serious damage to the entire environment. The unsolved problem of pollution of the planet by garbage has led to serious changes-the depletion of a favorable environment for the existence of living organisms.
Ways to solve environmental problems
Among the most optimal ways to solve environmental problems, it is necessary to highlight the introduction of resource-saving and environmentally efficient technologies. Today, technologies are already real in the municipal sphere and in the production of hazardous waste disposal. Also, according to experts, about 60% of waste can be a potential secondary raw material.
Addressing serious environmental problems requires some concerted action, such as:
ecological monitoring;
control over the concentration of harmful substances in water, soil, atmosphere;
protection of flora from pests and fires, as well as their restoration;
increase in unique natural and protected areas;
breeding of plants and animals listed in the Red book;
environmental education of the population.