Предмет: История, автор: Popovichsasha2005

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Автор ответа: OnelijjjXgXutd


У Абулхаир султана была яркая юность. В 1708 году он был избран ханом башкир, а в 1709 году по возвращению в Казахское ханство был избран правителем части казахов Младшего Жуза. У него, как и у любого другого казахского султана, имелся свой улус. Каждый из султанов опирался на родоплеменную группу среди казахов. Так, например, в XVIII в. опорой власти хана Абулхаир султана являлось союз племен Алшын.

В 1709-1711 годах ойраты осуществили крупное вторжение на территорию Казахского ханства. Угроза заставила казахов провести в Каракумах в 1710 году съезд, на котором предводителем ополчения был выбран Богенбай батыр, а временным верховным командующим казахов стал хан Абулхаир. В 1713-1714 годах ойраты понесли ряд поражений. Но в 1716 году был предпринят новый поход против ойратов, который закончился поражением, одной из причин которого послужили разногласия между Абулхаиром и Каип ханом, выбранном после смерти Тауке хана.

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Даю 50 баллов есле сделаете сегодня
Tuesday, the seventeenth of May

Dave is a bank clerk in London. He thinks his job is boring – but the salary is good. He lives in a small village and goes to work by train and then the underground. It’s a long journey – he leaves home at half past seven – and people ask him why he doesn’t move nearer to London, but Dave prefers to live in his village. He doesn’t like crowds, smog and traffic and he loves going for long bike rides or walks in the country when the weather is fine. He also has a lot of friends in the village and he doesn’t want to lose them.
He arrives at the bank at nine and usually finishes at half past five. He gets home at about seven o’clock. He has an hour for lunch, at one o’clock. When the weather is good, he often buys sandwiches and eats them in the park near his bank. When it’s raining, or cold, he goes to a small café for lunch.
Dave’s girlfriend, Liz, is a student at Reading University and lives in a small flat near her university with three other students. Dave and Liz met two years ago when they were both in Spain on holiday. Dave would like to marry her when she graduates from university next year, but Liz prefers to wait for two or three years before getting married. They don’t meet during the week because Liz is busy with her studies, but they usually spend the weekends together.
1. Choose the right variant
1. Where does Dave prefer to live?
a) in London
b) in Paris
c) in the village
2. Why doesn’t Dave want to move to another place?(2 answers)
a) He is afraid of losing his job
b) He is afraid of losing his friends
c) He doesn’t like crowds, smog and traffic
3. How much time does it take to get to the bank?
a)an hour and a half
b) half an hour
c) two hours
4. What does he like to eat for lunch?
a) fish and meat
5.Where did Dave and Liz meet?
a) in Spain
b) in France
c)at the university

2. Are these statements true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS)?
1. Dave enjoys working in a bank.
2. Dave would like to live nearer London.
3. Dave likes his village as there are crowds, traffic and smog.
4. Dave lives with his parents.
5. Dave and Liz met in France two years ago.
6. Liz is going to graduate from university this year.
3. Answer the questions.
1. Why doesn’t Dave enjoy working in a bank?
2. Is Dave satisfied with his salary?
3. Where does Liz study?
4. Why don’t Dave and Liz meet during the week?
Предмет: Информатика, автор: sleepenkun