кто-нибудь пожалуйста помогите

1. We tennis at five o'clock every Thursday. с) play
2. Last year I d) went to Costa Rica.
3. Where Iskender work now? c) does
4. Did you see Jibek yesterday?- No. I d) didn't
5. It's Sunday so I get up early. d) don't have to
6. Does Azamat earn money? d) a lot of
7. Have you ever b) been to Bangkok?
8. If the weather is good, I c) will take the children to the park.
9. d) There aren't any students from Hungary in my class.
10. In the future, everyone d) will have a computer in their car.
11. This is the a) worst film I've ever seen.
12. Dad can't come to the phone because he b) is cooking
13. c) What happened to your car? It's scratched.
14. If you ice, it melts. d) heat
15. Only students in my class wear glasses. c) a few.
16. The train has probably left. c) -
17. I haven't seen Zarina b) since 2001.
18. Where can I get information? d) some
19. The hotel was destroyed by a large fire.