Очень срочно, пожалуйста!!

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Then match sentences 1-6 to their use a-f.
My family
1 I usually spend our Christmas holidays at home, eating lots of food and watching TV. e routines and habits
2 This year is different. We (are helping) an organization that looks after people in the streets. c actions around now
3 Over 1,000 homeless people live in my city. e routines and habits
4 At the moment, my parents and brother (are making) dinner. b actions happening now
5 Later today, we are taking all the meals to homeless shelters in the city. f future arrangements
6 I (think) that this is a great thing to do and I want us to help this organization more often. d with verbs that describe states
a facts and general truths
b actions happening now
c actions around now
d with verbs that describe states
e routines and habits
f future arrangements