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England - London, Constitutional monarchy, Queen Elizabeth II, Prime Minister, Lion. There is no single Constituton in England.
Scotland - Edinburgh, Constitutional monarchy, Queen Elizabeth II, First Minister of Scotland, Unicorn. Scotland has 800 islands.
Wales - Cardiff, Constitutional monarchy, Queen Elizabeth II, First Minister, The red dragon. Wales is the country of King Arthur.
Nothern Ireland - Belfast, Constitutional monarchy, Queen Elizabeth II, Prime Minister, Clover. There is Lough Neagh (the biggest lake in the UK) in Nothern Ireland.
The USA - Washington, Federal presidential constitutional republic, President, The President, The bald eagle. The motto of the USA is "In God We Trust".
Canada - Ottawa, Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy, Queen Elizabeth II, Prime Minister of Canada, The beaver. Canada has the longest coastline.
Australia - Canberra, Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy, Queen Elizabeth II, Prime Minister of Australia, The kangaroo. There is the biggest cattle station in Australia.
New Zealand - Wellington, Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy, Queen Elizabeth II, Prime Minister of New Zealand, -. This country gave political rights to women the first.