СРОЧНО!!Exercise 77.
Make up sentences according to the example.
Example: No sooner he (arrive) home___he fell ill. — No sooner had he arrived home than, he fell ill. 2. Hardly he (arrive) home___he wanted to leave. — Hardly had he arrived home when he wanted to leave.
1. No sooner she (receive) the money___she went chopping. 2. No sooner he (open) the door___he felt the smell of gas. 3. Hardly they (come) into the house___ the rain started. 4. No sooner he (eat) the first course ___the telephone rang. 5. Hardly she (knock) at the door
___he opened it. 6. Hardly the sun (rise)___they started off. 7. No sooner he (read) the newspaper article___he phoned her. 8. Hardly she (buy) a car__„she got into an accident. 9. No sooner he (look) at the title___he realized that it was the book he had wanted for such a long time. 10. Hardly the meeting (begin)___ the participants decided to re-elect the committee.