Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Nanastd

6. Read the text below. For each of the empty spaces (1—10) choose the
correct answers (A, B, C or D). Say what Ukrainian dishes you like most and
which of them in your opinion are healthy and which aren’t.

Ukrainian Cuisine

Dishes of Ukrainian cuisine are known all over the world. All foreign-
ers are impressed greatly by Ukrainian cuisine, its diversity and unique-
ness. Ukrainian cuisine has a long history and … closely …(1) to the cus-
toms, traditions, culture and a way of life of the Ukrainians. There are
many dishes in Ukrainian cuisine which …(2) by high taste qualities.The most popular Ukrainian dishes …(3) borshch, green (zelenyi)
borshch, yushka, varenyky, holubtsi, chicken Kyiv, mlyntsi, pampush-
ky, pies (pyrohy), uzvar and many others.
But the most famous Ukrainian dish is borshch. It is a vegetable
soup which …(4) cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, onions,
parsley, garlic, dill, beans, mushrooms. It can …(5) with meat, too.
There are different varieties of this dish. Every housewife has her
own recipe of borshch.
Green (zelenyi) borshch is made of sorrel, potatoes, carrots, on-
ions, parsley and dill, served with chopped hard-boiled eggs and sour
Yushka is a fish soup made of freshwater fish, usually carp, bream,
dill, parsley. It can …(6) be cooked with carrots and potatoes.
Varenyky are popular in Ukraine because they are very tasty. They
…(7) with different fillings: potatoes and fried onions, mushrooms, cab-
bage, liver, meat, cottage cheese (curds), different berries and fruit,
served with sour cream, butter or sugar. Not only Ukrainians but also
foreigners like them very much, …(8).
Holubtsi are made of cabbage leaves (fresh or sour) filled with rice
and meat or buckwheat with meat, served with sour cream.
Mlyntsi are pancakes filled with cottage cheese (curds), meat, cab-
bage, fruit and berries, jam, served with sour cream.
Traditional Ukrainian drink is uzvar. Uzvar is a …(9) beverage made
of dried fruit, mainly apples, pears, plums, prunes.
Chicken Kyiv is a breaded cutlet dish of boneless chicken breast
pounded and rolled around cold butter with herbs and then fried or
Wheat products and bread are also very important for the Ukrain-
ians, among them there are traditional wedding bread and an East-
er cake. Traditional wedding bread is called “korovai” and an Easter
cake  — “paska”. Of course we have to mention Ukrainian “salo” and
“kasha”.Kartoplianyky  — fried potato cakes with added flour and eggs,
kruchenyky  — meat rolls with a vegetable filling, nalysnyky  — thin
pancakes wrapped around a filling of curds, meat, jam, berries,
mushrooms are very popular among Ukrainian lovers of tasty food,
In a word, Ukrainian national cuisine is rich …(10) different tasty
Скрин это таблица что бы выбрать слова в текст

Задания 2
Это 2 таблица которая пустая
Большое спасибо)))



Автор ответа: juliatasley


6. Read the text below. For each of the empty spaces (1—10) choose the

correct answers (A, B, C or D). Say what Ukrainian dishes you like most and

which of them in your opinion are healthy and which aren’t.

Ukrainian Cuisine

Dishes of Ukrainian cuisine are known all over the world. All foreigners are impressed greatly by Ukrainian cuisine, its diversity and unique-

ness. Ukrainian cuisine has a long history and (B) is linked closely …(1) to the customs, traditions, culture and a way of life of the Ukrainians. There are

many dishes in Ukrainian cuisine which (D) are characterised (2) by high taste qualities.The most popular Ukrainian dishes (C) are (3) borshch, green (zelenyi) borshch, yushka, varenyky, holubtsi, chicken Kyiv, mlyntsi, pampush-

ky, pies (pyrohy), uzvar and many others.

But the most famous Ukrainian dish is borshch. It is a vegetable

soup which (B) is made of (4) cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, onions,

parsley, garlic, dill, beans, mushrooms. It can (D) be cooked (5) with meat, too.

There are different varieties of this dish. Every housewife has her

own recipe of borshch.

Green (zelenyi) borshch is made of sorrel, potatoes, carrots, on-

ions, parsley and dill, served with chopped hard-boiled eggs and sour


Yushka is a fish soup made of freshwater fish, usually carp, bream,

dill, parsley. It can (A) also (6) be cooked with carrots and potatoes.

Varenyky are popular in Ukraine because they are very tasty. They

(A) are cooked (7) with different fillings: potatoes and fried onions, mushrooms, cabbage, liver, meat, cottage cheese (curds), different berries and fruit, served with sour cream, butter or sugar. Not only Ukrainians but also foreigners like them very much, (A) too (8).

Holubtsi are made of cabbage leaves (fresh or sour) filled with rice

and meat or buckwheat with meat, served with sour cream.

Mlyntsi are pancakes filled with cottage cheese (curds), meat, cabbage, fruit and berries, jam, served with sour cream.

Traditional Ukrainian drink is uzvar. Uzvar is a (C) sweet (9) beverage made

of dried fruit, mainly apples, pears, plums, prunes.

Chicken Kyiv is a breaded cutlet dish of boneless chicken breast

pounded and rolled around cold butter with herbs and then fried or


Wheat products and bread are also very important for the Ukrainians, among them there are traditional wedding bread and an East-

er cake. Traditional wedding bread is called “korovai” and an Easter

cake  — “paska”. Of course we have to mention Ukrainian “salo” and

“kasha”. Kartoplianyky  — fried potato cakes with added flour and eggs,

kruchenyky  — meat rolls with a vegetable filling, nalysnyky  — thin

pancakes wrapped around a filling of curds, meat, jam, berries,

mushrooms are very popular among Ukrainian lovers of tasty food,


In a word, Ukrainian national cuisine is rich (C) in (10) different tasty


Borshch is tasty and healthy.

Varenyky are tasty, but can be fat and unhealthy.

Uzvar is tasty, healthy and sweet.

Holubtsi are healthy, but not tasty - I don't like the taste of a cabbage.

Chicken Kyiv is tasty, but unhealthy because of the oil.

Nalysnyky are my favourite, they are tasty and can be both healthy and unlealthy, depending on the filling.

Nanastd: Большое спасибо))) Помоги пожалуйста 2 задание оно нидк
Nanastd: Оно ниже (7)
Nanastd: Там табличка
annajsnak: Делать
annajsnak: ПОМОГИТЕ пожалуйста по англисскому мне
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виправте будь ласка помилки !!!25 балів!!!!!

Весна- улюблена пора дітвори.Песля довгої зимової холоднечі та нагода всім кортить поспілкуватися з живою природою-власними очима побачити, як проклевуються з під-землі ніжні списки зела, погратися на вулиці у веселі ігри.
Але в березні зима ще може нагадати про себе.Нерідко теплу погоду змінюють заморозки, пролітає сніжок. Тому-то й кажуть, що в березні крутий характер: Він то усміхнеться, то нахмурится. Але щоб там не було, бережіть березень як мовить зиму відоме прислів'я, березовими віником вимітае.
Першими сповіщають про приход весни на півдні України ховрашки. Відчувши тепло, вони вилазять з нирок, стають на задні лапки й своїм посвистом нагадують селянам, що вже час вирушати в поле. В інших регіонах весну впізнають по співу веснянки. Кажуть, що коли уважно прислухатись до її голосу то можна почати такі слова: сноповіз! сноповіз! кидай сани- бери віз.​