Помогите написать официальное письмо по английскому. 28 упражнение

Dear Mr Smith,
Today morning we heard the sad news of your wife’s death… All the employees of our department have sent their support and condolences. Please don’t worry about the upcoming projects and meetings which are coming up next month. If there is any report that is required I will get it from other team members. If there is anything that we can help you with please feel free to call us at 12345678
(ИМЯ на англ.)
Письмо для выражения сожаления и соболезнования
To:UNO committee
Subject: introductions
Dear Colleagues
As you probably know next month i will start new project with you. However i dont have interesting idea and i need your help. If you work with me i give you my e-mailaddress. After you should write letter and send in my post box.I look forward to working with you
Yours sincerely