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Два землетрясения с разницей всего в восемь часов произошли в районе озера Байкал недалеко от населенных пунктов республики Бурятия.
Жители Камчатки ощутили двухбалльное землетрясение
Первый подземный толчок случился в 19.31 по местному времени в точке с координатами 55.30 градусов северной широты 109.45 восточной долготы. Магнитуда сейсмособытия составила 3,8, энергетический класс - 12,1. В селе Байкальском, расположенном в 17 километрах от эпицентра, оно ощущалось силой до пяти-шести баллов. В городе Северобайкальске в 37 километрах от очага землетрясения - до четырех пяти, а в поселке Нижнеангарск, который удален от точки более чем на 50 километров - до четырех баллов.
Второй толчок произошел почти в том же месте, в точке с координатами 55.35 градусов северной широты 109.39 восточной долготы. Магнитуда составила - 3,4, энергетический класс - 11.1. В Байкальском землетрясение ощутили, как четырех-пятибалльное, в Северобайкальске - три-четыре балла, в Нижнеангарске - три.
О жертвах и разрушениях не сообщается
Two earthquakes with a difference of only eight hours occurred in the area of Lake Baikal near the settlements of the Republic of Buryatia.
Kamchatka residents feel a two-point earthquake
The first tremor occurred at 19.31 local time at a point with coordinates 55.30 degrees north latitude 109.45 east longitude. The magnitude of seismic events was 3.8, the energy class was 12.1. In the village of Baikalsky, located 17 kilometers from the epicenter, it was felt with strength up to five to six points. In the city of Severobaikalsk, 37 kilometers from the source of the earthquake, up to four five, and in the village of Nizhneangarsk, which is more than 50 kilometers from the point, up to four points.
The second shock occurred at almost the same place, at a point with coordinates 55.35 degrees north latitude 109.39 east longitude. Magnitude was - 3.4, energy class - 11.1. In Baikal, the earthquake felt like a four to five point, in Severobaykalsk - three to four points, in Nizhneangarsk - three.
No casualties or damage reported
Kamchatka residents feel a two-point earthquake
The first tremor occurred at 19.31 local time at a point with coordinates 55.30 degrees north latitude 109.45 east longitude. The magnitude of seismic events was 3.8, the energy class was 12.1. In the village of Baikalsky, located 17 kilometers from the epicenter, it was felt with strength up to five to six points. In the city of Severobaikalsk, 37 kilometers from the source of the earthquake, up to four five, and in the village of Nizhneangarsk, which is more than 50 kilometers from the point, up to four points.
The second shock occurred at almost the same place, at a point with coordinates 55.35 degrees north latitude 109.39 east longitude. Magnitude was - 3.4, energy class - 11.1. In Baikal, the earthquake felt like a four to five point, in Severobaykalsk - three to four points, in Nizhneangarsk - three.
No casualties or damage reported