Плиз очень срочно нужно я не поняла как сделать.

1) polite with you
2) with people who have interests similar to ours
with people our age
with those we're studying or working with
with people of the same gender
with those who we sympathize
3) am having troubles
am messing up with my homework
am lonely
am upset
am asking for help
4) I call him he helps me
I'm missing him he comes to my house
I'm feeling lonely he's here to cheer me up
something seems funny to me he laughs with me
I need him he's near me
5) be friends with me forever
live happily ever after
be successful in his life
be himself/herself
be smiling and laughing every day
6) be jealous
hate me
be a gossiper
be a fake friend
forgive me
тут нужно просто написать, что должен делать настоящий друг, по твоему мнению, чего не должен, чего ты хочешь от него. p.s. в четвертом не поняла слово перед time. если это было every time, то вот ответ ↑