Fictional character Pavel Andreievich Chekhov first appeared on TV in 1967 during the second season o' the science fiction series Star Trek. Despite being on TV tor a short time (from 1966-69), the senes was a hit and still has many fans today , 40 years after its creafron Star Trek led to ten feature films, an animateo senes. novels and comic books. So why was it so popular and why did they need a Russian star? Executive Producer Gene Roddenberry decided to introduce a character with ‘youth appeal', that is to say a character young people could understand. Best known as the young, enthusiastic navigator on board the starship Enterprise. Chekhov hao a haircut similar to one of The Monkees (a very popular pop group in the USA at that time). But he certainly was no Amencan' He was a proud Russian with a thick accent and had the surname of the famous Russian playwright. Actor Walter Koenig played the role, an American with Lithuanian Russian parents. только не надо в переводчике переводить
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