Помагитеее срочно я вас прошу, задание 2,3,4,5, заранее спасибо ❤️

нр 2
2) You mustn't work twelve hours at day.
3) You mustn't drop litter on the floor.
4) You must work at 6 o'clock.
5) You mustn't eat the owner's food.
6) You mustn't shout.
7) You must clean your room every day.
нр 3
You must speak English in class.
You mustn't write on your desk.
You must do your homework.
You mustn't eat in a class.
You must wear school clothes.
нр 4
You must take your lunch with you every day.
You mustn't walk home through Blackdown Wood because it's dangerous.
You must be at home at six o'clock for dinner.
After dinner you must do your homework - you mustn't watch TV. You can watch TV in the evening!
нр 5
You don't mustn't eat the food.
You do must listen to the teacher.
You don't mustn't shout.
You don't mustn't be late.
You do must read the book.
You don't mustn't run.