Помогите пожалуйста срочно нужно,упр 40

40 Read the text about the Earth.
Match the titles with the paragraphs.
1. Wearing a Coat of Water
2. Inaccurate Name
3. Special Event for the Planet
4. Getting an Extra Day
The Planet We Live on
A. 2. Inaccurate Name
The Earth is the fifth largest of the eight
main planets in the solar system. It is the only
planet that was not named after an imaginary
god like Neptune or Saturn. The word Earth
came from the Anglo-Saxon word erda which
means ground or land. Although the planet is
called Earth, only 29% of the surface is land.
The rest of its surface is made up of water. But
only 1% of this water is drinkable.
B. 1. Wearing a Coat of Water
From a distance, in space, the Earth is the
brightest planet in the solar system. This is
because a large amount of sunlight is reflected
by the water on the planet. There are four large
oceans on the Earth: the Pacific, the Atlantic.
the Indian and the Arctic. The Pacific Ocean is
the largest ocean, meeting the Arctic in the
north and Antarctica in the south. The oceans
contain 97% of all the water on the planet.
C. 4. Getting an Extra Day
It takes the Earth 365 and a quarter days to
move round the Sun. As we don't count an
extra quarter of the day at the end of a year, we
have an additional day every four years, 29th
February. These years are called leap years.
D. 3. Special Event for the Planet
In 1970, on the 22nd of April, people
started to celebrate Earth Day. Nowadays
people from over 192 countries show their
love and care for the planet on that day. They
plant trees, pick up roadside trash and take
part in 'green' projects. Thousands of differ-
ent activities and celebrations to honour our
home planet are held all over the world.