Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ZarkanaZ

Переведите, пожалуйста. Гугл не в счет ( в счет только если с поправкой, чтобы данный текст приобрел смысл)
Mr Jacobs, managing director of Office Angels, a recruitment firm, says it is easy for people to forget their manners in the working environment, which is often very informal and very busy. Workers can forget proper etiquette such as introducing people at meetings, and this is often bad for working relationships.Psychologist Dr Colin Gill believes that people are not as polite as  they were twenty years ago. Now some organisations are actually investing  in training their junior to be polite. Office Angels is encouraging people to arrive on time for meetings, turn off  mobile phones and avoid bad language. “Avoiding bad manners at work is such a simple thing ,” Mr Jacobs says, “and it can have a dramatic impact on improving your working environment and your relationships with others”.Tips for dealing with bad mannered co-workers
1. Do not reciprocate the behaviour. Reacting with similar actions can quickly spiral into increasingly aggressive behaviours.
2. If circumstances permit, set up a discussion with the person and tell them that you find their behaviour offensive.
3. Understand your organisation's policies and procedures. If the situation worsens, you can then report the offensive behaviour in an official manner.
4. If you are stressed and upset by the behaviours, talk to a psychologist or make use of confidential employee assistance programs. Courtesy, respect and manners are essential for success in the workplace. In times of economic crisis, this is an indispensable requirement for obtaining and maintaining employment. It’s time for the reappearance of “good morning” , “how are you?”  “please” and “thank you.”  Modern tendencies towards friendlier business relationships, as well as increased openness, and warmth in relationships in general are fine and good, but these new tendencies shouldn’t supersede, but rather should accompany traditions of courtesy and good manners in all interactions be they at work or at home.


Автор ответа: alicedeimos
у меня не копируется текст, так что вот:

alicedeimos: "в профессиональное обучение своих младших сотрудников вежливости"
alicedeimos: там еще еще парочка опечаток и несостыковок, но, в целом, это нормальный перевод, да
ZarkanaZ: большое спасибо)
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Прочитайте текст и определите, являются ли приведенные ниже предложения истинными (TRUE) или ложными (FALSE). Исправьте ложные высказывания согласно тексту.


Travel and tourism are very important to millions of people all over the world. In every country you can find people that work in travel and tourism. Some countries need the money from tourism to help their people survive. It is necessary for these places that travel and tourism continue to expand and bring money to their regions.

However, travel and tourism have negative aspects. Planes, buses, boats and other means of transportation that carry travelers and tourists cause pollution. Moreover, some people do things on a holiday they would never think of doing at home. For example, many travelers use a lot of water and electricity when they stay in hotels. They forget to turn off the lights or even leave televisions and air conditioning units on when they leave the room. On top of that, it is often difficult or impossible for travelers to recycle items, so they end up leaving large amounts of waste behind. That’s why it is important for people to travel wisely and respect the places they visit.

There are ways you can travel and be environmentally friendly. Here are some tips to help you:

*Don’t throw rubbish on streets, beaches or in the countryside. Use bins. Don’t throw anything into the sea, especially plastic bags and bottles. Every year many turtles and other sea animals die after swallowing plastic bags.

*Don’t use too much water or electricity. Many parts of the world have not got enough water.

*Taste the local and national dishes of the country. This is an important part of your experience and can be lots of fun, while supporting local farming.

*Buy local products or souvenirs. This helps people keep their jobs and will help you remember your trip and share the experience with friends and family.

*Don’t buy any products made from endangered species; sea turtle shells or bags made from reptiles or other animals. It’s illegal! Don’t buy seashells, sea sponges or marine plants. Don’t take anything from the sea.


1. It is important for some countries to have tourism, because money earned from it helps their people to survive. – TRUE / FALSE

2. People behave the same way on holidays as they do at home. – TRUE / FALSE

3. Plastic bags can harm some sea creatures. – TRUE / FALSE

4. Trying local food doesn’t really help local farmers. – TRUE / FALSE

5. You can take seashells from the sea. – TRUE / FALSE