Предмет: Русский язык, автор: toritoismirnova

сгруппируйте следующие термины по областям знаний Юридически Синтаксис и из


Автор ответа: mithy

Особенности взаимосвязи языка и права с давних пор интересуют языковедов и правоведов. Диалог этих научных сфер, начавшийся в Германии ещё в начале 19 века, с того момента всё более расширялся, подпитываясь новыми общественно значимыми темами. Например, в 70-х годах 20 века укреплению сотрудничества правоведения и лингвистики значительно способствовало «требование общества создать понятный гражданам язык ведомственных учреждений, в 80-х и 90-х годах обсуждение новых формулировок законодательства, обеспечивающих равноправие мужчин и женщин, проходило при участии лингвистов. «В последние годы одним из важнейших факторов в развитии этого диалога является процесс правовой гармонизации в Европейском Союзе», а также развитие торговли и новых средств коммуникаций, вследствие чего, в частности, растёт внимание к вопросам межъязыковой коммуникации в сфере права.

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: sdivi
даю 100 балів!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Прочитайте діалог і дайте відповіді на питання до нього. Відповідь треба писати повністю: спочатку літеру, якою позначено правильний, на вашу думку, варіант, потім — саму відповідь.

Girl: Dad, I need a few supplies for school, and I was wondering if…

Dad: Yeah. There are a couple of pencils and an eraser in the kitchen drawer, I think.

Girl: Dad, I'm in eight grade now, and I need REAL supplies for my demanding classes.

Dad: Oh, so you need a ruler too?

Girl: Dad, I need some high-tech stuff like a calculator, a Palm Pilot, and a laptop computer.

Dad: Uh. I didn't have any of that when I was in middle school, and I did just fine.

Girl: Yeah, and they weren't any cars either, were there? And things are just more progressive now.

Dad: Well, we can rule out the hand pilot.

Girl: Palm Pilot, Dad.

Dad: Whatever, and the computer . . . unless mom lets you sell the car. And as for the adding machine…

Girl: Calculator.

Dad: Yeah, I think mine from college is kicking around here somewhere.

Girl: Dad, I need a calculator for geometry, and I have heard you can download free software from the Internet.

Dad: Great. My daughter will be playing video games in geometry class.

Girl: Dad…

Dad: Okay. How much is this thing going to cost me?

Girl: Well, I saw it at the store for only $99, with a $10 mail-in rebate, or you could buy it online.

Dad: Oh. Do they throw in a few aspirin so your father can recover from sticker shock?

Girl: Dad. Please!!! Everyone has one and you always say you want me to excel in school, and I'll chip in $10 of my own, and I'll even clean up my room.

Dad: Hmmm, 100 bucks. Well, you'll be supporting me in my old age, so, I guess so. When do you need it?

Girl: Now, right now. Mom's already waiting in the car for us. She said she would buy me an ice cream if I could talk you into to buying it for me today.

1) Which item did the girl NOT mention about her needed supplies for school?

A) A pen.

B) Computer.

C) A Palm Pilot.

D) Calculator.

2) Why doesn't the father want to buy his daughter some of these supplies?

A) The items can’t be bought in their town.

B) He is saving money for a new car.

C) He was able to study without those items.

D) He doesn’t care about his daughter.

3) For which specific class does the girl mention that she needs these supplies?

A) Chemistry.


C) Physics.

D) Geometry.

4) Why does the father eventually give in to his daughter?

A) He discovers he has more money than he thought.

B) He concludes that she will provide for him when he is older.

C) The girl promises to help her mother in exchange for the supplies.

D) He is afraid what his wife will do if he doesn’t buy those things.

5) Where was girl’s mom during the conversation?

A) In the next room.

B) In an ice-cream truck.

C) In a car.

D) At work.

Контроль письма

Бали: 7

Яке шкільне приладдя є у вас вдома? Розкажіть, що з цього ви використовуєте під час вивчення того чи іншого предмету? Обсяг твору — не менше 6 речень.
Предмет: Математика, автор: arina1614
Предмет: Математика, автор: Koteykaaaaaaaa
Предмет: Математика, автор: Хадижка22224раза