перевести предложения с русского на английский
Я работаю в прокуратуре. Я участвую в судебных процессах. Собираю обвинительные доводы,чтобы у судьи не осталось никаких сомнений в виновности подсудимого. Моя задача заключается в предоставлении улик и показаний свидетелей. Кроме участия в судебных процессах,в мои полномочия входит рассмотрение гражданских обращений. Я несу личную ответственность за принятые решения или бездействия. Если я считаю,что закон был нарушен,я имею право самостоятельно обратиться в суд. Также моя профессия связана с раскрытием коррупционных сетей,превышений полномочий и нечестности весьма влиятельных людей. Я не имею права вступать в политические партии, избираться в органы государственной власти.
Перевод :
I work in the prosecutor's office. I participate in lawsuits. I am gathering indictments so that the judge does not have any doubts about the guilt of the defendant. My task is to provide evidence and evidence from witnesses. In addition to participating in litigations, my authority includes the consideration of civil appeals. I am personally responsible for decisions made or inaction. If I believe that the law has been violated, I have the right to apply to the court myself. Also, my profession is associated with the disclosure of corruption networks, abuse of authority and dishonesty of very influential people. I have no right to join political parties, to be elected to government bodies.
P.s. Думаю помогла:)
I work in the prosecutor's office. I participate in lawsuits. I am gathering indictments so that the judge does not have any doubts about the guilt of the defendant. My task is to providing evidence and testimony of witnesses. In addition to participating in litigations, my authority includes the consideration of civil appeals. I am personally responsible for the decisions made or inactions. If I believe that the law has been violated, I have the right to apply to the court myself. Also my profession is associated with the dislosure of corruption networks, abuse of authority and dishonesty of very influential people. I have no right to join political parties, to be elected to government bodies.