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1 Complete the conversation with the words in the list. There are three you won't use.
're watching | let | 've been watching 1 the news 1 jazz | allowed to | watch | to watch | watched 1 've watched 1 guitar | drama series
DANNY Ben, it's my turn to watch TV.
BEN Just give me twenty more minutes.
DANNY But you 've been watching TV for more than two hours now. You're not even allowed to watch so much TV. Does Mum know?
BEN Yes, she does. Anyway I'm almost finished.
DANNY Yes but I want to watch the news and it starts in five minutes.
BEN You can watch it later. I really need to see the end of this.
DANNY What is it that you 're watching anyway?
BEN CrimeWave
DANNY What, that American drama series?
BEN Yes, that's the one. It's the last episode in the series. I can't miss it. I 've watched all the others. I want to know how it ends.
DANNY I'll tell you how it ends. The policeman's the murderer. Now let me watch my show.