b) What is summer for you? Why do you like it? Why don't you
like it? Is it difficult for you to say "good bye" to summer and
its activities? Why? Why not? Write 5-7 sentences in your
exercise book.
b) что значит для тебя лето?почему тебе оно нравится?почему тебе не нравится?это для тебя возможно сказать лето пока и активности? почему? почему нет? напишите 5-7 предложений в вашей тетради
Summer is one of the best season. When summer begins, most of us going for holidays and you do not have to worry more about exams. I like summer because the weather is becoming warm, everything is colourful- green trees, red or yellow flowers. The best about summer is warm weather, so I can swim in the sea, river or lake and ride a bike, also I don not have to wake up early and the days are longer and the nights are shorter. However, there are also opposite side of summer is mosquitos and most of your friends went to other places,so you do not really see them. For me it is nor really hard to say goodbye to summer as after I will go to school to learn more new interesting things and meet my friends and teachers that I missed.