Задание пять,спасибо

I - A cook stole a leg from an appetizing-looking roast stork just before it was served to hos king.
L - The king asked him angrily why the bird had only one leg.
E - The cook replied "Don't you know, your Majesty, that storks have only one leg."
F - "If you find yourself on a river bank, you will see by your own eyes that I am right."
С - Next morning the cook and the king went down to a river and saw some storks all standing on one leg.
A - The king clapped his hands and the storks flew off.
H - "Be all eyes!" he said, "You see, they all have two legs the moment I clap."
J - "But, your Majesty, you didn't clap last night."
M - One day a chairman of a large investment company got furious with his board of directors.
K - He looked at them and said, "Gentlemen, I have something important to say — half of you are idiots."
D - One of the directors felt insulted, stood up and banged his fist on the desk.
G - He said in a loud voice, "I demand that you withdraw that last observation, Mr. Chairman."
B - "Very well," the cairman said, "I withdraw it — half of you are not idiots."