Переведите на английский употребляя глаголы в форме present, past, future simple;present past, future, continues; present, past, perfect. Только семь предложений.

12) We thanked him for what he had done for us. We will never forget it.
13) I hope that my brother came to a meeting on time. Usually, he is never late.
14) If you see Peter, tell him that I will meet with him in a couple of hours. Currently, I am really busy.
15) We went to the village last week. The weather was wonderful: it was not raining, the wind was warm. We had a great weekend.
13-Past) I hoped that my brother had come to a meeting on time. He used to never be late.
15-Future) We will go to the village next week. We hope that the weather will be wonderful: it will not be raining, wind will be warm. We hope that we will spend a great weekend there.
14-Past) If you see Peter, tell him that I was waiting him for 2 hours straight. Ask him if he had been busy.