помогите пожалуйста

d Complete the conversation. Use the present perfect of the verbs in brackets.
A: Can you read the map? This is the first time I (o) 've driven (drive) in London.
B: Yes, sure. Don't worry. Let's listen to a CD. Do you know this one by Jose Gonzalez?
A: No. I (1) have (never heard) anything by him.
B: I think he's good. He's coming to the Latitude Festival next month. (2)
(have you / ever / been) to that?
A: No, I haven't. Is it good?
B: Paul thinks it's good. He (3) has (been) to it. Oh! What was that? What's happened?
A: Oh no! We've got a flat tyre! This is the first time this (4) has (happened) to me! I don't know how to change it. My dad (5) has (never shown) me how to do it.
B: Can he come and help us?
A: No, my parents aren't at home this weekend. They (6) have (gone) to Nottingham!
9b) 1 Have you ever been late for a meeting?
2 Have the director spoken to you?
3 Have you ever visited this web-site?
4 Have Kim and Zoe ever had lunch with you?
5 Have you ever been to that cafe?
6 Have Tom ever phoned you?
9c) 1 gone
2 gone
3 been
4 been
5 been
6 gone
7 gone
8 been
9d) a l have never heard
b Have you ever been
b Has been
a Has happened has never shown
a Have gone
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