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1- I used to like such movies.
2- He used to visit us not so often.
3- You used to share with me about all your plans.
4- I used to believe to you.
5- He did not use to be so angry.
6- We often used to go to cinema.
7- He used not to ask so many questions.
8-He used to call me every day.
9- He used to participate in school concerts.
10- Our tutorials did not use to be so interesting.
1- Whem we had gottten back home we had dinner.
2- Did he get angry when you told him about it?
3- Did not you fly to Italy last week? Why have you decided to spend a weekend ay home?
4- Who showed you this photo? I hided this photo in my table last month.
5- Did you send this mail yesterday? I have asked you to do that, haven't I?
6- I have found a big mushroom and put that in my cart.
7- I have heard an interesting sentence and wrote it down in my notebook.
8- Mom set the table and call children to have a breakfast.
9- Children have helped granmother to clean a room. They swept the floor and washed dishes.
10- You have forgiven him, haven't you?