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6.131. She be waiting for us now. b) can't
6.132. I thought that you answer it. a) might
6.133. When friends were in need, friends be able to help. a) should
6.134. You said you stay like this for a long time. b) could
6.135. He knew he to keep earning a living. a) had
6.136. It seemed to Dan he do anything but be angry. b) couldn't
6.137. Ellen spent as much time as she with Annie. c) could
6.138. She had always thought she choose that profession. b) might
6.139. Anyway, she said she work today. c) couldn't
6.140. Dan's car was in the driveway, so someone to be at home. b) had
6.141. Anyway, I thought maybe there was something I do. a) could
6.142. She was angry, and for a while she make Jack the object of her anger.
a) could
6.143. I thought they to tell Pete when they got home. b) had
6.144. He just wished there was something more he do. b) could
6.145. In the hall she realized the bell rung. a) must have
6.146. Ellen fought them, but she stop her own tears. c) couldn't
6.147. He knew he to start behaving more rationally. c) had
6.148. If I get sick, then I be treated. d) will have to