Предмет: Английский язык, автор: asz2901

Добрый день, нужно подставить время глагола для каждого предложения.
a)Where have you been just now?
b) I waited for you ten minutes. Let's go to thr cinema

a) When I entered into the house,
b)I saw an old man sitting by the fireplace and reading a book.
c)He has been sitting here for a long time.

а) What are you doing now?
b) I'm translating an interesting story.
c) How long have you been translating?
d)I have been working for seven hours.
e)I hope I'll finish at nine o'clock.

a) The lecture has not began yet and the students are talking in the corridor.

a) Last night Beth thanked Chris for the lovely flowers he had bought for her.

a) Oh, I see he stopped smoking.
b) When did he decide not to smoke?

a)We were in the forest a week ago.
b) We heard a wild animal crying out.
c) It got in a tramp.

a) I was nervous at the dentist this morning as it was the first time I saw him since august 1998.

a)When I was child I did not like the girl next door.
b) She always teased me and fought me.

a) Don't worry! You will see your children playing in the yard ,
b) if you look out in the window.

a)When did you last see Tom?
b) Five years ago.

a) I just finished the book you gave me for my birthday.

a) Last night he saw a light in the neighbours house.

a) My father looked tired the day before yesterday.
b) He works to his computer for a long time.

a)She's at the birtsday party now.
b)It is the most exciting holiday she ever has.


Автор ответа: ПетяСемечкин
  1. a. present perfect; b. past simple
  2. a. past simple; b. past simple; c. present perfect continuous
  3. a. present continuous; b. present continuous; c. present perfect continuous; d. present perfect continuous; e. present simple & future simple
  4. a. (begUn) present perfect & present continuous
  5. a. past simple & past perfect
  6. a. present simple & past simple; b. past simple
  7. a. past simple; b. past simple; c. past simple
  8. past simple (x3)
  9. a. past simple (x2); b. past simple
  10. a. present simple & future simple; b. present simple
  11. a. past simple; b. past simple (эллиптическое предложение, восстановленное время)
  12. a. past simple (но должно быть present perfect)
  13. a. past simple
  14. a. past simple; b. present simple (но должно быть present perfect continuous)
  15. a. present simple; b. present simple & she has ever had present perfect
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Из трёх любых предложений по выбору выпишите все глаголы в неопределённой форме.

(1)Мы все, конечно, д...гадались, что Ольга Николаевна наро...но задала нам такую задачу, и чу...ствовали, что на этом дело не кончи...ся. (2)На п...следнем уроке к нам в класс приш...л д...ректор школы Игорь Александрович.

(3)С виду Игорь Александрович совсем не с...рдитый. (4)Лицо у него всегда сп...койное, голос тихий и даже какой-то добрый, но я ли...но всегда п...баиваюсь Игоря Александровича, потому что он очень больш...й. (5)Ростом он с моего папу, только ещё п...выше, пи...жак у него ш...рокий, пр...сторный, застёгивае...ся на три пуговиц..., а на носу очки.

(6)Я думал, что Игорь Александрович раскричи...ся на нас, но он сп...койно ра...сказал нам, сколько г...сударство тратит денег на обучение каждого ученика и как важно хорош... учит...ся и береч... школьное имущество и саму школу.

(Н. Носов)