What's the disadvantages of immigration?
Advantages of Immigration
A-Job vacancies and skills gaps can be filled.
B-Economic growth can be sustained.
C-Services to an ageing population can be maintained when there are insufficient young people locally.
D-The pension gap can be filled by the contributions of new young workers and they also pay taxes.
E-Immigrants bring energy and innovation.
F-Host countries are enriched by cultural diversity.
J-Failing schools (and those with falling numbers) can be transformed.
Disadvantages of Immigration
A-Depression of wages may occur but this seems to be temporary.
B-Having workers willing to work for relatively low pay may allow employers to ignore productivity, training and innovation.
C-Migrants may be exploited.
D-Increases in population can put pressure on public services.
E-Unemployment may rise if there are unrestricted numbers of incomers.
F-There may be integration difficulties and friction with local people.
J-Large movements of people lead to more security monitoring.
K-Ease of movement may facilitate organised crime and people trafficking