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Вправа 197.

1. It is cold in autumn. It often rains. A cold wind often blows.
2. The weather is fine today. It is warm, the sun is shining brightly. A soft wind is blowing. Small white clouds are sailing in the sky.
3. Don't go out: it is raining heavily.
4. Take your raincoat with you. I am afraid it will rain in the evening and you will get wet through if you do not put on your raincoat.
5. Every spring birds come to our garden and sing in the trees.
6. Listen! Somebody is singing in the next room.
7. It usually does not snow at this time of the year.
8. What is the weather like now? Is it snowing? -- No, it isn't.
9. We go out of town to ski on Sunday? - - Yes, we will if it snows this week and if there is a lot of snow everywhere.
10. What are you doing tomorrow? - We will go out of town if the weather does not change for the worse. Are you coming with us? - - With pleasure if only I do not have too much work to do at home.
11. If we have televisions at our supermarket, they will inform customers about things in the store.
12. If we play music, it will produce the right atmosphere.
13. If we put in cameras, they will stop people stealing things.
14. If we employ more assistants, they will help our customers.